Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Google Now - available on iPhone and better than Apple's Siri!

Google Now
Google Now is a new type of everyday computer aid for those that struggle to disconnect from the web. It will tell you when to leave your house for your appointment and if you are going to meet traffic along the way. It will even give you a route to avoid traffic if necessary. Google Now is always one step ahead of you to make sure you don’t trip up.

At a new restaurant and can't decide what to eat?
Google Now is like having a personnel assistant round the clock in your pocket. One of its great features is that if you’re in a restaurant and Google has access to their menu, Google Now will help you choose what you want from preselected preferences. What makes it even better is as you wait for your meal to be cooked Google Now can keep you updated about your favourite sports teams in real time. I can imagine those functions being pretty handy when lost in Japan as the super bowl starts!

Google Now decides which is the most important or most relevant with regards to you location, the time or what your friends are up to. For example if you are in the subway Google Now will realise this and select the public transport card to appear first this way you will know what train is next and how long it will be. This new feature which was only released on the 29Th of October has made it into another great technology that makes living so much easier.

Google Now has 3 different genres to select your cards from Manage your day, Stay connected and Be a local anywhere. Under each genre there are different cards you can choose from:

Manage your day:
1.       Next appointment
2.       Weather
3.       Traffic
4.       flights
5.       Hotels
6.       Restaurant reservations
7.       Events
8.       Packages

Stay connected

1.       Sports
2.       Movie Listings
3.       Concerts
4.       Stocks
5.       Public alerts
6.       Developing story and breaking news

Be a local anywhere with data on

1.       Public transit
2.       Places
3.       Nearby Attraction
4.       Nearby photo spots
5.       Translation
6.       Currency
7.       Time at home

With all these different cards to choose from you can almost guarantee that you will never be late, miss a train or go hungry. Like all the other Google products I presume the older it gets the more it will become integrated with other Google products and into our own lives.     

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